Jared is so excited. His BowFlex came in Wednesday. We have been stressing about htis arriving. As it came in 9 boxes. We jsut knew it was gouing to be World War 3 putting it together. But I got home before Jared did tht night and I started putting it together. I am happy to say that I got it put together all by myself. It was done by the time he got hoe from the gym! Now I jsut need to get myself motivated and start working out on it. My goal is to loose a few pounds before I get my dress.
Speaking of my dress, I still do not have a clue of which dress I want to get. I have found a few on the intenet that I liked, but I want to go to a store and try them on first so I can see what they look like. jared had training tomorrow so maybe I can go look at dresses while he is doing that.
Tomorrow night I am taking Jared to get a tattoo for Valentines day. He has wanted a tattoo with Andy's name in it for so long, so I am going to take him down to have it done. I will post a picture after we get back!