Thursday, January 15, 2009

Out in the midle of nowhere!!

Here I sit in a hotel in the middle of nowhere!! We are in Newton Kansas! Will has a wrestling tournament this weekend. I have never been here before so I did not realize how far out there it is! We are about 35 miles from Hutchinson. I have been there before with James, but never to Newton!

Will is nervous about the tournament cause it is supposed to be the hardest tournament yet. How he does tomorrow and Saturday will tell how State will go for the kids! Wish them luck!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well the klutz in me has come out once again! Yesterday I fell down the stairs int he back of the house and tore the ligaments in my ankle!! Man it hurt to!!

I am on crutches for a bit and go back to the dr on thursday to see ig it is getting better or not!

All I know is MAN my armpits hurt!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Catching up!

Well it has been a few days since I posted! Life got int he way and I had other things to do. Thursday I was out with a headache!! I ended up going to the Dr and having to get shots for the headache! After sleeping all day and night I woke up Friday morning to no headache!! WOOOHOOO! They did start me on some new medicine for the headaches. Hopefully that will work with no side effects this time!!

Yesterday Will had a tournament in Louisburg! He did AWESOME!! He went 3-1 for the day! Really good!! We are so proud of him and his wrestling this year! If he keeps it up I am sure he will go to State!

This weekend upcoming we have a 4 day tournament in Newton Kansas! We leave on Thursday and come home on Sunday! Hopefully our team will step up and bring home a bunch of medals!! Keep the boys in t=your thoughts!!!