Well it has been a long time since I posted last. Alot has happened in the last year. I got married in October. It was a beautiful day and I could not have been happier!
Jared is almost out of the Army. Less than 2 months left, as long as they approve his Terminal Leave. He has a couple different chances for jobs, so we will see how that turns out. He still gets Military pay until the end of November.
William is driving me CRAZY! He is at the age that he will not listen unless it is convenient for him! He has a girlfriend now and is only thinking with his appendage! HAHA!
Austin is going through his rough stage also. He starts the JR High this year. So I talked to the DR and they changed his ADHD Meds, I am going nuts right now since it takes at least 2 weeks to kick in and we still have another week to go!
After 2 years, I got back in contact with one of my BEST FRIENDS, Mandy. I missed her so much and wish we would not have ever lost touch. But I guess now, all we can do is go forward from here, and build our relationship again. She means so much to me and I do not think she knows that. SO if you are reading this Mandy, You do mean alot to me and I am glad that I met you!
Workis driving me crazy. I am dong 2 different jobs and I am STRESSED out. By the time I get home at m=night I jsut want to crash.
Well I guess this is long enough, so I will post more later. I will leave you with a picture of my Little Kitty! Isn't he cute!