Thursday, January 19, 2006

Home and Settling in

Well we are home and finally settling back in. The boys have been difficult lately with the time change from Oregon to here. I seriously feel like I am going to pull my hair out. Tuesday Austin did not go to bed until midnight. Last night we wee a little luckier it was almost 10. Tonight I am hoping for 8! Wishful thinking I know! Well I am starting to get some good ideas for the wedding decorations. I am on the search for maybe another reception venue as I am having trouble getting answers from the rivershore about what they offer and don.;t offer.

I want to say a Big Thank you to all of Jared's family. You made my boys feel so welcome and I appreciate that! I will be forever grateful for making them feel like family. They can not wait to get back and see everyone in October!!

If you did not hear, we did not get to go to the Beach on Sunday to meet the Wedding planner. I got hurt Saturday night Skiing. I sprained the ligaments in my knee and could not walk. I am still having a little bit of problems with it but hopefully it will start to heal soon.

I went last night and tried on a couple more dresses. Jared really still likes the first one I tried on as I do to. It is going to be hard to find anything else that we like but I am still looking. I am going to try and go to a Bridal Expo on Saturday while Jared is at SORT Training but we will see. Well I better go get dinner cooked. I have not made dinner in over 3 weeks so I better do it so Jared has dinner when he comes home form School tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We didn't hear about how your foot was coming along. Hope you didn't hurt it that bad! We need to keep you in one piece for the wedding!