Sunday, July 23, 2006

Our Weekend

We had a great weekend. Now that the boys are done with Baseball, I can finally start finishing up stuff for the wedding. I got all the invitations done, now just need to get them in the mail. We stayed home today and got the house cleaned, the yard mowed, all the laundry done, and the cars cleaned out!! I am glad that we finally got all that done. Last night, we went to a Mud Marathon with my sister and her husband! We had fun, it was a pretty nice night, not to hot, and not to cold. The weather is supposed to get hot again this week, I am so not looking forward to that! I need to get a box of wedding stuff packed up and sent to Diane, that way it will be there waiting for us and we will not have to take them on the plane! Well I will close this with a couple of pictures of us and the kids yesterday at the Mud Marathon.

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