Saturday, January 03, 2009

2008 in Review!!

What was the highlight of 2008 for you? Being able to spen time with my family and friends

Did you lose any friends? Yes, 1. But that was their decision! I am stll here for them no matter what! Life just took us in different directions!

What about gain any? yes!!

What did you do for your birthday? I can't remember! Nothing I think!

How old did you turn? 34

What do you think was the best movie in 2008? Did not see to many new movies!

Did you move at all? Nope

How are you different now from the beginning of the year? I am more confident in myself and the choices I make!

Did you get in any serious trouble? not really.

Did you read any good books? yeah

What did you do in the summer? Went swimming with the kids and just hung out!

Did you go to any concerts? If so, which ones? Tim McGraw

Has your looked changed? If so, how? I am trying to let my hair grow out!!!

Did you date anyone? My husband!

List the first initial of everyone you dated, if you did? JSA

Was 2008 a sad or happy year for you? both, to both extremes

Would you have done things differently at all? YES!! Alot of things deifferently

Even just a little bit? SEE BEFORE

Did you have a job or were you unemployed? WORKED MY ASS OFF.

Did you dress up for Halloween? If so, as what? Nope

If you celebrate Christmas, what did you get? Perfume, clothes, slippers, diamond earings

Did you search for eggs on Easter? nope

Did you see fireworks on the Fourth of July? yeah

If you go, did you skip a lot of school? don't go to school!.

Is there a song that reminds you of 2008? ABSOLUTELY!!

Do you think this year went by super fast? sorta.

Did you get your haircut this year? yeah a few times.

Do you remember how you brought in 2008? As in, celebrated? With friends at the Bowling Alley

How did you bring in 2009? with friends and my family =]

Are you looking forward to anything in 2009? YES!! lots of stuff this year has an exciting start.

If you could describe this year in one word, what would it be? Different

Did you get in any fights? If so, with who? ME? NEVER!! HAHA I would love to beat some bitches ass though!

What was the best album of 2008, in your opinion? no idea.

Did you attend any parties? sure did.

Was there any big family drama for you? Our family always has drama, I have 5 nieces!!

Are you glad 2008 is over? in some ways

Overall, was 2008 a good year for you?it was alright.

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