Saturday, January 07, 2006

Dress Date

Well we went to look at dresses today and It went good. We were unable to try any on though, SO we made n appt for tomorrow to go back. It finally hit home today that this is for real and we are really getting married! I am so excited. I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with the person that loves me so much and so unconditionally! Who could have asked for a better lover and best friend? I always thought it was corny to hear p[people say they were married to their BEST FRIEND, but I can honestly say that I feel that way FINALLY!!! Tomorrow we will be taking my sister along so she can take a few pictures. I will post them tomorrow so everyone can help me decide what dress to get!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That doesn't suprise me at all! Jared is like his father in that respect. He will love you unconditionally for the rest of your life! He does have a lot of his father in him too! So very happy that he is the love of your life! It doesn't get any better than this!